Is A Level Maths Hard? Discover 3 Reasons & Tips for Success in 2024

The chalkboard, reminiscent of A-Level maths, is filled with mathematical symbols, showcasing a pie chart split into 80% and 20%, the constant π, the number 3.14159265, and various Greek letters. Four illustrated figures debate whether advanced maths truly is hard.

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Choosing subjects for A Levels can feel stressful, and if you’re thinking about A Level Maths, you’ve likely heard: “A Level Maths is Hard.” Many students and teachers agree that A Level Maths might be the hardest of the A Levels, with Further Maths close behind.

But its challenge is also what makes it one of the most valuable subjects to pick. Doing well in this subject can lead to many opportunities in both higher education and your future career.

In this post, we’ll explain Is A Level Maths is Hard and why it is difficult and also share tips on how to prepare if you decide to take it. By understanding these three main reasons, you’ll be better ready to get the most from this rewarding subject.

3 Reason Why A Level Maths is Hard

Maths Builds Directly on Previous Knowledge

One of the main reasons why A Level Maths is so hard is that it keeps building on everything you’ve learned before. While all subjects rely on what you’ve already learned, maths does this in a much stricter way. Think of it like building a house – if GCSE Maths is the base, A Level is the tall building built on top. If the base is weak, the building will fall.

For example, if you haven’t learned quadratic equations or algebraic fractions well by GCSE, you’ll have a hard time with the harder topics in A Level Maths. There is a quick review of GCSE work at the start, but it’s short because there’s a lot of new stuff to learn. Teachers often skip the early parts and go straight into the new material.

The Importance of Solid Foundations

The famous quote from Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants,” fits here. Newton was probably talking about the work of those before him, but the same idea works for A Level Maths students. If you haven’t fully learned the basics, the harder topics will feel like hitting a solid wall.

To do well in A Level Maths, make sure you have a good understanding of important GCSE topics. Putting in extra effort to strengthen weak areas will make the switch to A Level much easier.

A Level Maths Requires Advanced Problem-Solving Skills

Another reason A Level Maths is hard is because of the amount of problem-solving needed. At GCSE, many of the maths questions are shorter and often split into smaller, easy-to-handle parts. Even the longer questions usually guide you step by step.

But A Level is different. The questions are longer, sometimes worth 10 or 15 marks, with less help or structure. Instead of just using learned methods, you have to figure out how to approach and solve difficult problems on your own.

Are You Ready for the Analytical Leap?

For many students, this change can feel like too much. GCSE and IGCSE exams might not prepare you well for the type of thinking that A Level Maths needs. If most of your maths work has been about using memorized steps, you’ll need to work on thinking for yourself and solving problems on your own.

Some students who got high grades at GCSE without dealing with hard maths may find the jump to A Level especially tough. If this sounds like you, it’s a good idea to start practicing harder problems before the course starts.

Expect a Much Greater Demand for Independent Study

The third big challenge with A Level Maths is the need for more independent study. You’ll have to spend much more time learning new ideas outside of class than you did for GCSE. The topics are more complex, the exercises take longer, and the amount of work required is significant.

Don’t underestimate how much work this is. Some students will find that even with great teaching, they still need to put in a lot of effort on their own to really understand the material.

Managing the Commitment

A Level Maths isn’t a subject you can just slide through if you want to get good marks. You’ll need to make good study habits and get yourself to work regularly. If this sounds tough, it doesn’t mean you should stay away from the subject. In fact, if you like maths, studying on your own can be fun and rewarding. But for those who find maths hard, the work can feel like too much if they’re not really ready.

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How You Can Prepare for A Level Maths

Now that we’ve outlined three reasons why A Level Maths is hard, how can you prepare to meet these challenges head-on?

  • Ensure a strong foundation in GCSE Maths. If there are any areas of GCSE Maths you’re unsure about, review them thoroughly before starting A Level. Tackling a lack of understanding sooner rather than later will prevent those issues from snowballing.
  • Develop problem-solving skills. Work on challenging problems that force you to think beyond simple calculations. Maths challenges such as the UKMT competitions can be great practice for this.
  • Build good study habits. Be prepared to commit significant time outside the classroom. Start organising your time effectively early on, making room for independent study as part of your routine.

If you’re still not sure, think about taking a beginner course. For instance, the Get Ready for A Level Maths course (linked in the description) is made to help students move from GCSE to A Level Maths. Completing this course could be a great way to see if you’re really ready.


So, is A Level Maths hard? Yes, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Its difficulty is what makes it a respected subject. Universities and employers value students who do well in maths because it shows they can think clearly and solve problems.

However, doing well in A Level Maths takes more than just a good GCSE grade. You need a strong understanding of what you’ve learned before, a willingness to tackle tough problems on your own, and the self-discipline to spend extra time studying. If you enjoy maths, these challenges can be rewarding. But if maths has always been hard for you, it’s worth thinking about whether you’re ready for A Level.

For those ready to work hard, A Level Maths can be a very satisfying and valuable subject. At the same time, knowing when it might not be the right choice for you is also important for your success. Studying maths takes commitment, but with the right preparation, there’s no reason you can’t do well. If you need help, don’t hesitate to look for support along the way.

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