What is Classical Homeschooling? Benefits & Curriculum

What is Classical Homeschooling ? Classical homeschooling is an educational method that emphasizes building a strong foundation in core subjects such as history, logic, language, and arts which are crucial for developing critical thinking and communication skills.

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The explanation of this Homeschooling type and the reasons why it might be best for you are provided in this Guide to Classical Homeschooling. A huge amount of resources are available to help you integrate the Classical Education Method in your homeschooling.

One of the many different homeschooling methods you may be employing or considering is classical homeschooling.

What is Classical Homeschooling?

Classical homeschooling is an educational method that emphasizes building a strong foundation in core subjects such as history, logic, language, and arts which are crucial for developing critical thinking and communication skills.

The classical education approach emphasizes teaching children how to think rather than just what to think. I believe that if I can teach my children the skill of learning, they will be well-prepared for life. When children understand how to learn, rather than simply studying for exams, they are set up for lifelong success.

Classical Homeschooling Curriculum

The Classical Homeschooling Curriculum is an educational approach rooted in the traditional model of learning, often structured around the Trivium, which consists of three stages: the “Grammar stage, the Logic stage, and the Rhetoric stage.

Grammar Stage(ages 3-5 )

The Grammar Stage of the Classical Homeschooling Curriculum focuses on foundational knowledge, emphasizing reading, writing, basic math, and memorization. Students learn essential facts in subjects like history and science, building a strong base for more advanced learning in later stages.

Logic Stage(Ages 5-9)

As your child enters the Logic Stage, the classical homeschool approach changes focus. The emphasis now is on developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Your child will learn to question, dissect arguments, and develop well-reasoned opinions. This stage typically involves deeper exploration of historical events, scientific concepts, and active participation in discussions.

Rhetoric Stage(Ages 9-12+)

Your child develops a solid foundation of information and critical thinking abilities by the time they reach the Rhetoric Stage. It’s time to improve their communication skills now. The primary focus of a classical homeschool curriculum will be on creative expression, effective communication, and writing that is persuasive. This phase may involve arguing strongly, studying classic literature, and discussing historical figures.

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The Classical Homeschooling Curriculum is an educational approach rooted in the traditional model of learning, often structured around the Trivium, which consists of three stages: the "Grammar stage, the Logic stage, and the Rhetoric stage.

Pros of Classical Homeschooling

1. Strong Foundation in Core Knowledge

2. Critical Thinking Skills

3. Effective Communication

4. Structured Learning

5. Appreciation for the Classics

6. Preparation for Lifelong Learning

7. Flexibility and Freedom

8. Holistic Development

Cons of Classical Homeschooling

1. Time-Intensive for Parents

2. Limited Social Interaction

3. Rigorous Curriculum

4. Resource Intensive

5. Specialized Knowledge Requirements

How Tutorhelpme Supports You

Classical homeschool programs provide a deep and fulfilling education, focusing on critical thinking, solid foundational knowledge, and cultivating a passion for learning. However, even the most committed parent might require some support in teaching core subjects and nurturing those crucial early skills.

1. TutorHelpme offers exciting, engaging practice that is in line with the traditional math curriculum, whether it is learning basic operations in the Grammar Stage, fractions in the Logic Stage, or geometry in the Rhetoric Stage.

2. A variety of activities from Tutorhelpme can help your child’s reading development at each stage of the Trivium. Tutorhelpme enhances the efficiency of your classical reading program by helping students develop their phonemic awareness in the Grammar Stage and their comprehension abilities in the Logic and Rhetoric Stages.


Classical homeschooling is a great option for families who want to develop their child’s thinking skills and love of learning. This approach offers more than traditional textbooks, focusing on a well-rounded education through the trivium method: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. If you’re interested in a deeper educational experience, classical homeschooling might be the right choice. Explore the available resources to see if it fits your family’s educational goals. It could be the perfect way to nurture a lifelong love of learning in your child.

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